Today was visit day at a very interesting property, near Abela.
The promoters wish to develop a retreat center, and focus the phisical planning in a regenerative approach, restoring natural cycles of water, carbon and soil life. Several families will live here, and activities such as yoga, meditation and other personal development processes and activities, complemented with natural restoration and regenerative practices workshops.
The land itself, was bought 3 years ago by the promoters, and has an amazing potential to work the topography and the resultant keyline design, as were identified several locations to water bodies such as dams and ponds, and better positionings for the necessary roads.
Vegetationwise, were identify the more common pioneer species such as cistus ladinifer as the predominant plant, in a context that doesnt benifit the natural process of soil building, as most of it remains oxidated.
Hopefully we will develop this project and create a masterplan and framework that structures the farm and allow all the desired activities to flourish.
best wishes to the team at “Mãe Terra”!