Personal Data Project About Land History Activities Thank You Looking for information / services for: —Please choose an option—An Existing Project, already in progress.Starting a Project, not yet established, in a land(s) of your own. Full Name Adress Post-code/locality Phone Number Email Property Owner? —Please choose an option—YesNoOther Previous Next The Project This section's purpose is to gather as much information as possible about the land. It is important to understand the context in which the terrain is inserted: its limits, its localization as well as its topography are essential information. In case you have difficulties to locate and/or draw the land's limits on the map, feel free to contact us. Project's Name GPS coordinates Insert File File (s) * .kmz, * .kml, * dwg from a polygon on google earth, or other document defining the boundaries of the property: Previous Next Area Constructed area (in sq. m) Do you already have a topographic survey of the property? —Please choose an option—YesNoNo, and I am looking for a trusted topographer File * .pdf or * .dwg corresponding to the survey File * .pdf or * .dwg corresponding to the survey Water resources and water points on the land: Spring(s)Well(s)Artesian Well(s)Lake(s), Pond(s), Dam(s)Connection to the Municipal Water Network Previous Next Property history: Has the property been plowed for years, left abandoned, cultivated and which cultures were there, ...? Note: It is common to lack information about a land's past: this is not a problem, just tell us you don't know! Can you describe existing structures on the land (house, ruins, cisterns, vegetable gardens and plots, present vegetation)? What are the positive elements that may stand out on the property? What are the negative elements that may stand out on the property? Your goals: What are your main objectives for the project, in the short, medium and long term? Previous Next Among the following options, what are the activities that you aim to develop on the property? Rewild, stream/river regeneration, reforestation, ecological regenerationEco-tourism, local accommodation (alojamento local), and other types of sustainable tourismSmall-scale organic farming / family farming, autonomy and food sovereigntyLarge-scale organic farming, PDRLivestock, beekeeping and other animal husbandry activitiesSilviculture, forest management and agro-forestryEco-construction, existing buildings' 'retrofit'Ecological landscape architecture" What budget do you plan to spare for this project's implementation ? Having an idea of the amount of resources you plan to invest in the land allows us to seek for solutions suited to you. 50.000 to 100.000200.000 to 300.00500.000 to 1000001000000 to 20000002000000 to 5000000Over 5000000 What would be your main questions to our team, in order for some things to become more clear? Previous Next Is there anything else we can help you with? How did you came across our company? FriendNewsFacebookInstagramOther Thank you for taking the time to answer our questionnaire! We will contact you as soon as possible to confirm the reception of your formular. Another paradigm is possible: where investments are as profitable as they are balanced with the ecological context and the ecosystems in which they are located. Previous Next