One of the key principles of regenerative agriculture is rotational grazing, which involves moving livestock between different areas of pasture to allow for rest and regrowth.

But what if we could take it a step further and integrate it with another regenerative practice: keyline swales? By rotating grazing between these swales, we can promote soil health and water retention while also providing a healthy diet for our livestock. This technique is a great example of the interconnectedness of regenerative practices and how they can work together to create a more regenerative and resilient farm system.

Holistic grazing and keyline structural swales can work together synergistically to improve soil health, promote plant growth, and increase water retention in a landscape.

Holistic grazing involves the careful management of grazing animals to mimic the natural movements of wild herds. By moving animals frequently from one area to another, holistic grazing can prevent overgrazing and promote the growth of healthy grasses. This can help to improve soil health by increasing organic matter, improving soil structure, and promoting water infiltration.

Keyline structural swales, on the other hand, are shallow ditches or depressions that are dug along the contour of a landscape to capture and hold water. By slowing down the flow of water and allowing it to infiltrate the soil, keyline swales can reduce erosion, increase water retention, and promote healthy plant growth.

When used together, holistic grazing and keyline structural swales can create a powerful ecosystem management system. Grazing animals can help to break up soil compaction and create soil disturbances, which can help to improve water infiltration and promote plant growth. Meanwhile, the keyline swales can capture and hold water, preventing erosion and allowing water to slowly percolate into the soil.

Over time, the combined effect of holistic grazing and keyline swales can help to build soil fertility, promote plant growth, and increase the water-holding capacity of the landscape. This can lead to improved ecological health, increased biodiversity, and greater resilience to drought and other environmental stressors. Overall, the combination of holistic grazing and keyline structural swales can create a sustainable and regenerative ecosystem management system that benefits both the land and the people who depend on it.

At Terracrua Design, we are constantly exploring new ways to integrate these practices into our designs and help our clients achieve their goals for regenerative agriculture.